Thursday, November 11, 2010

Roots' Roots

Howdy folks!
I'm back, and I've been workin' hard to bring in some awesome new produce. What's got me most stoked right now is Roots' Roots.
Here's a silly little article in the Indy on Roots Organic... it equates farmers to rockstars (they're so much cooler than that). Anyways... Here's what's in from Roots in Los Olivos.
Bulk Carrots

Super crispy, sweet, and way better than the non-local carrots I usually have to buy.

Celery Root

The ultimate in soup roots. I'd do just about anything for a good Celery Root Soup (with bacon & green apples).


Like carrots? Well, the parsnip is richer in vitamins and minerals than its close relative, the carrot. So there :) These are delicious, and really a great way to broaden your vegetable variety. Yummy yummy Roots' roots!

Bunched Golden Beats (Givens)

My favorite beets... golden beets get me hiiiiigh... seriously.
Are you a beet eater? Wanna be one? Roast your beets and pair them with goat cheese. Trust me, you'll win. Here's proof,

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